《The Swift Programming Language》中文版官方教程


The Swift Programming Language (Simplified Chinese Version by SwiftGG)

English Version | 中文版本

English Version

This repository contains the source for The Swift Programming Language (sometimes abbreviated as TSPL), which is published on docs.swift.org and built using Swift-DocC.

This repository includes the latest version of TSPL, as well as Simplified Chinese translations corresponding to different Swift versions.


Clone this repository and run docc preview swift-6.docc in this repository's root directory.

After running DocC, open the link that docc outputs to display a local preview in your browser.

Current Status

  • Latest English version of The Swift Programming Language. Latest commit: 11a2b29
  • Corresponding Simplified Chinese translations (in progress and archived):
    • Swift 6 beta (currently in translation)
    • Swift 5.x and earlier versions (available for reading on GitBook)

How to Contribute

  1. Fork this repository to your account. Claim a translation task labeled as Swift x translation in the issues. Create a branch in your forked repository corresponding to the issue, setting the source branch to the current Swift version being translated (e.g., swift-6-beta-translation).

  2. Install the docc command-line tool by either downloading the toolchain from Swift.org or installing Xcode.


If you installed DocC by downloading a toolchain from Swift.org, docc is located in usr/bin/, relative to the installation path of the toolchain. Make sure your shell's PATH environment variable includes that directory.

If you installed DocC by downloading Xcode, run xcrun docc preview swift-6.docc instead.

  1. Replace the content of the original Markdown file with your Chinese translation, following the terminology table below and the SwiftGG style guide. Submit your translation through a Pull Request. Once verified by SwiftGG members, it will be merged into the current translation branch.


We extend our heartfelt thanks to all our contributors. You can find the list of contributors here.


本仓库包含 The Swift Programming Language (缩写为 TSPL) 的源代码, 该文档发布在 docs.swift.org 上, 并使用 Swift-DocC 构建。

本仓库包括 TSPL 的最新版本,以及对应不同 Swift 版本的简体中文翻译。


克隆此仓库并在仓库根目录运行 docc preview swift-6.docc

运行 DocC 后,打开 docc 输出的链接,即可在浏览器中显示本地预览。



  1. 首先,将此仓库 fork 到您的账户。在 issues 中认领标记为 Swift x translation 的翻译任务。在您 fork 的仓库中创建与 issue 对应的分支,将源分支设置为当前正在翻译的 Swift 版本 (例如,swift-6-beta-translation)。

  2. 通过从 Swift.org 下载 toolchain 或安装 Xcode 来安装 docc 命令行工具。


如果您通过从 Swift.org 下载 toolchain 安装了 DocC, docc 位于 toolchain 安装路径下的 usr/bin/ 目录中。 确保您的 shell 的 PATH 环境变量包含该目录。

如果您通过下载 Xcode 安装了 DocC, 请运行 xcrun docc preview swift-6.docc

  1. 按照下面的术语表和 SwiftGG 排版指南 将原始 Markdown 文件的内容替换为您的中文翻译。通过 Pull Request 提交您的翻译。经 SwiftGG 成员验证后,将合并到当前的翻译分支。



Terminology Table(术语表)

Term Suggest Transition
alias 别名
array 数组
argument 实参
assertion 断言
associated type 关联类型
associated value 关联值
attribute 特性或者属性,根据上下文
automatic reference counting 自动引用计数
availability-condition 可用性条件
base class 基类
binary operator 二元运算符
boxed protocol type 封装协议类型
branch statement 分支语句
Class Hierarchy 类层次结构
closure 闭包
collection 集合
computed property 计算属性
conditional compilation 条件编译
conform protocol 遵循协议
control transfer statement 控制传递语句
convenience initializer 便利构造器
convention 约定
decompose 分解
deinitialization 析构过程
deinitializer 析构器
designated initializer 指定构造器
dictionary 字典
downcast 向下转型
enumeration 枚举
expression 表达式
extension 扩展
fallback (value) 后备值 ?? 回退值
fallthrough 贯穿
first-class 一等
function 函数
generic 泛型
getter 不翻译
implicitly unwrapped optional 隐式解包可选值
inheritance 继承
initialization 构造过程
initializer 构造器
iterate 迭代
labeled statement 具名语句
list 列表
literal (value) 字面量
metatype type 元类型
method 方法
nest 嵌套
nil-coalescing 不译
note 注意
opaque type 不透明类型
operator 运算符
optional 可选
optional binding 可选绑定
optional chaining 可选链
override 重写
parameter 形参
playground 不翻译
projected value 被呈现值
property 属性
property wrapper 属性包装器
protocol 协议
protocol composition type 复合协议类型
result builder 结果构造器
range 区间
raw value 原始值
runtime 运行时
scope 作用域
setter 不翻译
statement 语句
stored property 存储属性
string interpolation 字符串插值
structure 结构体
subscript 下标
ternary operator 三元运算符
tuple 元组
type alias 类型别名
type annotation 类型注解
type identifier 类型标识符
type property 类型属性
type inference 类型推断
type casting 类型转换
unary operator 一元运算符
unwrapped 解包
variadic parameters 可变参数
wrapped 包装
wrapped value 被包装值
superclass 父类
subclass 子类
中文版 Apple 官方 Swift 教程《The Swift Programming Language》
21.1 k
5.1 k
1.3 k