Under 1KB each! Super Tiny Web Icons are minuscule SVG versions of your favourite logos. There are currently 386 icons and the average size is under 522 bytes!
The logos have a 512x512 viewbox, they will fit in a circle with radius 256. They will scale up and down to suit your needs.
Say thanks!
How Small?
527 Bytes SVG
3,328 Bytes PNG
352 Bytes SVG
2,987 Bytes PNG
235 Bytes SVG
1,615 Bytes PNG
What's Available so far?
1Password 360 bytes
Acast 402 bytes
Access 349 bytes
ActivityPub 337 bytes
Adobe 220 bytes
Airbnb 356 bytes
Amazon 642 bytes
Amazon Alexa 252 bytes
Amazon Simple Storage Service 527 bytes
Amber Framework 415 bytes
andOTP 253 bytes
Android 372 bytes
AngelList 965 bytes
Angular 317 bytes
Ansible 311 bytes
Apereo Foundation 453 bytes
Apple 354 bytes
Apple Music 490 bytes
Apple Podcasts 940 bytes
Arch Linux 308 bytes
Atom 347 bytes
Auth0 387 bytes
Authy 329 bytes
Azure 841 bytes
Backbone 337 bytes
Badoo 298 bytes
Baidu 783 bytes
Bandcamp 188 bytes
Bash 756 bytes
Behance 666 bytes
Bing 939 bytes
Bitbucket 665 bytes
Bitcoin 514 bytes
Bitwarden 286 bytes
Blender 368 bytes
Blogger 339 bytes
Bluesky 397 bytes
Bluetooth 366 bytes
Brave 996 bytes
Briar 491 bytes
Buffer 471 bytes
Bugcrowd 774 bytes
Bun 1016 bytes
Calendar 744 bytes
CentOS 728 bytes
Chrome 401 bytes
Chromium 403 bytes
Citrix 743 bytes
Citrix 348 bytes
Clojure 560 bytes
Cloudflare 478 bytes
Codeberg 463 bytes
CodePen 303 bytes
Coderwall 244 bytes
CoffeeScript 513 bytes
Coil 500 bytes
coinpot 710 bytes
Google Colab 373 bytes
C++ 666 bytes
Crystal 214 bytes
CSS3 384 bytes
Dart 545 bytes
DataCamp 476 bytes
Debian 922 bytes
Deezer 717 bytes
Delicious 259 bytes
dev.to 521 bytes
DeviantArt 263 bytes
Digidentity 366 bytes
DigitalOcean 244 bytes
Discord 345 bytes
Disqus 259 bytes
Django Project 428 bytes
Docker 416 bytes
Dribble 365 bytes
Drone 291 bytes
Dropbox 246 bytes
Drupal 842 bytes
DuckDuckGo 879 bytes
Electronic Arts 279 bytes
eBay 800 bytes
Ecosia 776 bytes
Edge 1013 bytes
elastic 695 bytes
Element 414 bytes
Elementary OS 451 bytes
Email 326 bytes
Endeavour OS 622 bytes
ePub 308 bytes
Espressif 577 bytes
Ethereum 381 bytes
Etsy 462 bytes
Evernote 613 bytes
ExpressionEngine 628 bytes
F-Droid 1015 bytes
Facebook 258 bytes
Fediverse 1003 bytes
Filestash 267 bytes
Finder 661 bytes
Firefox 1005 bytes
Flattr 331 bytes
Flickr 235 bytes
Floatplane 823 bytes
Flutter 489 bytes
foobar2000 455 bytes
FreeBSD 700 bytes
freeCodeCamp 701 bytes
Friendica 821 bytes
Fritz! 616 bytes
Gandi 749 bytes
GateHub 447 bytes
Gemini 615 bytes
Ghost 244 bytes
Git 365 bytes
Gitea 748 bytes
GitHub 514 bytes
GitLab 425 bytes
Gitpod 543 bytes
Glitch 1017 bytes
Gmail 442 bytes
Gmail 567 bytes
Go 566 bytes
Godot 683 bytes
GOG.com 703 bytes
Gojek 258 bytes
Goodreads 370 bytes
Google 447 bytes
Google Assistant 366 bytes
Google Calendar 579 bytes
Google Collaborative content tools 485 bytes
Google Docs Editors 470 bytes
Google Drive 560 bytes
Google Drive 298 bytes
Google Maps 553 bytes
Google Maps 683 bytes
Google Meet 513 bytes
Google Play 420 bytes
Google+ 380 bytes
Google Podcasts 444 bytes
Google Scholar 517 bytes
Gradle 654 bytes
Grafana 674 bytes
Guacamole 655 bytes
Guilded 330 bytes
h-card 399 bytes
h-entry 386 bytes
h-feed 474 bytes
Hacker News 213 bytes
HackerOne 426 bytes
HAML 922 bytes
Heroku 435 bytes
Homekit 732 bytes
HP 471 bytes
HTML5 397 bytes
Hulu 459 bytes
Humble Bundle 952 bytes
i18next 713 bytes
IBM 477 bytes
iHeartRadio 817 bytes
IMDb 506 bytes
Imgur 263 bytes
Instagram 752 bytes
Intel 553 bytes
Intercom 414 bytes
Internet Archive 800 bytes
itch.io 852 bytes
iTunes 744 bytes
Jacobin 226 bytes
Java 779 bytes
JavaScript 404 bytes
Jellyfin 655 bytes
jQuery 1006 bytes
JSON-LD 890 bytes
JSON 508 bytes
JSON Feed 665 bytes
JSR 411 bytes
Julia 283 bytes
JustGiving 351 bytes
Kaggle 297 bytes
KeePassDX 516 bytes
Kemal Framework 325 bytes
Keskonfai 679 bytes
Keybase 632 bytes
Kickstarter 273 bytes
Ko-Fi 397 bytes
Kodi 752 bytes
Kotlin 236 bytes
Laravel 384 bytes
LastPass 281 bytes
LeetCode Logo 829 bytes
Liberapay 544 bytes
LibreSpeed 942 bytes
LINE 454 bytes
Linear 390 bytes
LinkedIn 355 bytes
Linux 950 bytes
Linux Mint 355 bytes
Lobste.rs 504 bytes
Lock 377 bytes
Logitech 352 bytes
Lucky Framework 471 bytes
macOS 754 bytes
Mail 551 bytes
Mailchimp 981 bytes
Malt 412 bytes
Manjaro 222 bytes
Markdown 418 bytes
mastercard 322 bytes
Mastodon 574 bytes
matrix 641 bytes
Mattermost 291 bytes
McDonald's 434 bytes
Medium 225 bytes
Meetup 502 bytes
Messenger 679 bytes
microformats 783 bytes
Microsoft 321 bytes
Minecraft 1002 bytes
MongoDB 353 bytes
MySQL 1007 bytes
NetBeans 521 bytes
NetBSD 419 bytes
Netflix 435 bytes
NextCloud 250 bytes
NGINX 450 bytes
NHS 474 bytes
NixOS 528 bytes
Node.js 651 bytes
npm 277 bytes
OK.ru 348 bytes
Olympic Rings 661 bytes
OnlyFans 401 bytes
OpenBenches 613 bytes
Open Bug Bounty 487 bytes
Opencast 294 bytes
Open Collective 304 bytes
OpenCores 265 bytes
Open Source 278 bytes
OpenStreetMap 951 bytes
OpenVPN 278 bytes
Opera 293 bytes
Orcid 311 bytes
Origin 630 bytes
Outlook 876 bytes
Overcast 760 bytes
Overleaf 437 bytes
Patreon 205 bytes
PayPal 495 bytes
PDF 650 bytes
PeerTube 278 bytes
Phone 574 bytes
PHP 573 bytes
Pinboard 241 bytes
Pinterest 508 bytes
Pixelfed 971 bytes
PlayStation 515 bytes
Plex 205 bytes
Pocket 293 bytes
Pocket Casts 263 bytes
Pop!_OS 427 bytes
Pornhub 811 bytes
Postman 730 bytes
PowerShell 992 bytes
Preact 333 bytes
Printer 272 bytes
Proton Mail 628 bytes
Python 544 bytes
QQ 924 bytes
quora 264 bytes
Raspberry Pi 954 bytes
React 339 bytes
Reddit 592 bytes
RedHat 534 bytes
Research Gate 866 bytes
Rockstar Games 838 bytes
Roundcube 514 bytes
RSS 276 bytes
Ruby 941 bytes
Ruby Gems 271 bytes
Ruby On Rails 447 bytes
Rust 985 bytes
Safari 685 bytes
Samsung 830 bytes
Samsung Internet 312 bytes
Samsung 602 bytes
Samsung 867 bytes
Sass 501 bytes
Semaphore CI 446 bytes
Sentry 359 bytes
Signal 423 bytes
Sketch 353 bytes
Skype 468 bytes
Slack 384 bytes
SlideShare 646 bytes
Snapchat 633 bytes
SOGo 824 bytes
Solidity 548 bytes
SoundCloud 944 bytes
Spotify 418 bytes
Square Cash 775 bytes
Stack Exchange 385 bytes
Stack Overflow 286 bytes
Steam 440 bytes
Stitcher 372 bytes
Strava 269 bytes
StumbleUpon 343 bytes
Sublime Merge 551 bytes
Sublime Text 589 bytes
SubscribeStar 584 bytes
Svelte 470 bytes
SVG 746 bytes
Swift 659 bytes
Symantec 596 bytes
Symfony 609 bytes
taiga.io 731 bytes
tailwindCss 536 bytes
TATA 1009 bytes
Teamspeak 921 bytes
Telegram 476 bytes
Terraform 284 bytes
This American Life 277 bytes
Threads 365 bytes
Threema 381 bytes
TikTok 388 bytes
Todoist 737 bytes
Tox 479 bytes
Trello 261 bytes
TripAdvisor 691 bytes
Tumblr 251 bytes
TuneIn 570 bytes
Tutanota 522 bytes
Twilio 311 bytes
Twitch 271 bytes
Twitter 352 bytes
TypeScript 603 bytes
Uber 588 bytes
Ubiquiti 540 bytes
Ubisoft 504 bytes
Ubuntu 438 bytes
Udemy 289 bytes
Unicode 360 bytes
Untappd 395 bytes
Uphold 800 bytes
Uplay 517 bytes
Upwork 484 bytes
Vagrant 537 bytes
Vegetarian 668 bytes
Venmo 271 bytes
Viber 692 bytes
Vim 754 bytes
Vimeo 332 bytes
visa 623 bytes
Visual Studio Code 895 bytes
Vivino 279 bytes
VK 519 bytes
VLC 636 bytes
Vue 257 bytes
W3C 523 bytes
Wayland 905 bytes
WebAssembly 475 bytes
WebMention 261 bytes
WebToons 973 bytes
WeChat 606 bytes
Wekan 966 bytes
WhatsApp 435 bytes
WHATWG 313 bytes
WiFi 562 bytes
Wikipedia 563 bytes
Windows 226 bytes
Wire 256 bytes
WireGuard 948 bytes
WordPress 488 bytes
Workato 362 bytes
X 287 bytes
X11 756 bytes
XING 347 bytes
XMPP 726 bytes
Yahoo! 280 bytes
Yammer 464 bytes
Yarn 497 bytes
Yelp 448 bytes
Yii 763 bytes
YouTube 333 bytes
Yubico 250 bytes
Zoom 515 bytes
Zorinos 254 bytes
Why so smallious?
Bytes cost money. They cost money to store, transport, and process. Simplicity should be our goal in all endeavours.
Scream if you want to go smaller
These files were edited by hand in Inkscape, Illustrator, or a text editor, then were minified using Yann Armelin's SVG Path Editor, svgo, and svgcleaner. Further smallification may be possible. Try it!
Each of these has an xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" in the <svg> tag. This isn't strictly necessary - but some web browsers won't display them as an image without it.
The background colour can also be excluded if you're including it elsewhere.
Colours can be simplified. #FF0000 becomes red.
The precision of the paths is mostly 0 decimal places. A few logos have 1 or 2 dp to make them look more accurate. The precision can be reduced if necessary.
Think you can make them smaller? Tell me by raising an issue!
The super tiny icons are accessible by default. Each icon has:
role="img", to expose the <svg> elements as images in the browser's accessibility tree
aria-label="XYZ" (where XYZ is the icon's brand name), to give the icon an accessible name
Note: if using the <svg> as the src for an <img> element, the alt attribute should still be used on the <img> element because the ARIA is not recognised in this context.
CSS can be used to customize an icon's appearance. The following example shows styles for small/medium/large icons with square/rounded/circular frames:
IBM, Yammer, Android, Authy, Cloudflare, CodePen, DigitalOcean, Discord, Airbnb, WiFi, Delicious, Open Source, Patreon, Tim Cuthbertson
Where possible, they retain their original licenses. Some logos may be subject to copyright and trademark laws, but these files are small enough to memorise.
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2017 Terence Eden
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Under 1KB each! Super Tiny Icons are miniscule SVG versions of your favourite website and app logos